Christopher P. Ross
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Selected Publications
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Christopher P. Ross, PhD
Texas Licensed Geophysicist #1648
AAPG Certified Geophysicist #43

Selected Publications

Ross, C.P., and Cole, D. M., 2017, A comparison of popular neural network facies classification schemes: THE LEADING EDGE, V 36/4, P340.

Ross, C. P., 2016, Improving Resolution and Clarity with Neural Networks: AAPG Explorer, v37/9, p28.

Ross, C. P., 2016, Unbiased AVO Crossplotting?: The Leading Edge,  v_35/4, p 936.

Saunders, M., Negri, D., Ross, C. P., and Bowman, S., 2015, Sergipe Basin, Brasil: DHIs from Calibrated AVO Stacks: GEOEXPRO v 11/5, p_58.

Ross, C. P., 2010, A practical note on depth converting seismic horizons: Bull of the S. Texas Geol. Soc., VLI/4, P 13.

Ross, C. P., 2010, AVO Ritualization and functionalism (then and now): The Leading Edge, v 29/5, p 532.

Russell, B., Ross, C. P., and Lines, L., 2002, Neural networks and AVO: The Leading Edge, v 21/3, p 268.

Ross, C. P., 2002, Quantifying AVO attributes and their effectiveness: The Leading Edge, v 21/3, p 244.

Ross, C. P., and Sparlin, M. A., 2000, Improved crossplot analysis using visualization techniques: The Leading Edge, v 19/11, p 1188-1199.

Ross, C. P., 2000, Effective AVO crossplot modeling: A tutorial: Geophysics, v 65/3, p 700-711.

Ross, C. P., 1998, Quantitative stratigraphic image improvements through incremental processing advances: The Leading Edge, v 17/7, p 878-883.

Ross, C. P., and Altan, M. S., 1997, Time-lapse seismic monitoring: Some shortcomings in nonuniform processing: The Leading Edge, v 16/6, p 931-937.

Ross, C. P., 1997, AVO and nonhyperbolic moveout: A practical example: First Break, v 15/2, p 43-48.

Ross, C. P., Cunningham., G. B., and Weber, D. P., 1996, Inside the Crossequalization Black Box: The Leading Edge, v 15/11, p 1233-1240.

Ross, C. P., 1995, Improved mature field development with 3D/AVO technology: First Break, v 13/4, p 139-145.

Ross, C. P., and Kinman, D. L., 1995, Nonbright spot AVO: Two Examples: Geophysics, v 60/5, p 1398-1408.

Ross, C. P., and Beale, P. L., 1994, Seismic offset balancing: Geophysics, v 59/1, p 93-101.

Ross, C. P., 1993, AVO in the presence of coherent noise: The Leading Edge, v 12/3, p 196-201.

Ross, C. P., and Flack, S. D., 1992, Predictive seismic reservoir modelling in the UK Manx Basin: Energy Exploration And Exploitation, v 10/4-5, p 321-334.

Ross, C. P., 1992, Incomplete AVO near salt structures: Geophysics, v 57/4, p 543-553.


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